Ginkgo Biloba - Princeton Sentry


An excellent medium-sized tree for relatively narrow sites or any areas where a striking upright form is desired. Leaves are the unique fan-shape of the species and exhibit very good, consistent, autumn colour.

Size: Bareroot

Trees + Shrubs
Position: Full Sun/Part Shade
Size HxW: 11m x 5m

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An excellent medium-sized tree for relatively narrow sites or any areas where a striking upright form is desired. Leaves are the unique fan-shape of the species and exhibit very good, consistent, autumn colour.

Size: Bareroot

Trees + Shrubs
Position: Full Sun/Part Shade
Size HxW: 11m x 5m

An excellent medium-sized tree for relatively narrow sites or any areas where a striking upright form is desired. Leaves are the unique fan-shape of the species and exhibit very good, consistent, autumn colour.

Size: Bareroot

Trees + Shrubs
Position: Full Sun/Part Shade
Size HxW: 11m x 5m