welcome to the patch nursery

We started our adventure in late 2022 and have been evolving this little patch of earth ever since.

We have grown up loving small community areas and have called the Riverland our home since 2016.

We both started out in teaching careers but as times change we were in need of a new challenge and that’s how The Patch came about. Well actually, it all started with our other teacher besties when we started flower farming on our property in 2020. This allowed us to understand what our dream really could be, and it wasn’t teaching in a classroom, instead supporting our gardening community in a wholesome way.

We truly find so much happiness in the garden and if you know Smithy, he particularly finds happiness in a good lawn. Everyone wants to enjoy being in their own home, and with our glorious weather, it feels satisfying sitting outside looking over our gorgeous gardens.

We absolutely love the feeling of being involved in the community in this way. We enjoy seeing your smiles when you walk in, your connections to our little man Remy and giving us the opportunity to support you in improving your green thumb.

We hope to forever evolve this patch of earth, not only through greenery but many other ways.

- Justin + Ella